Wired Sage's Learningshttps://wiredsage.neocities.org/
(Rewrote part of the Astral Projection guide) Past Updates How to.... Astral Project without sleeping Cleanse and Protect yourself/items/area Check to see if something is real/cor
Shoji Hano Discographyhttp://www.japanimprov.com/hano/disco.html
Kyoaku no Intention. Astral Projection. P.S.F., PSFD-150, 2003. Hano, Shoji, and Masaharu Shoji. Shouji x Shouji. E.G.G., E.G.G. 2003, 2003. Hano, Shoji, and Munenori Narita. Kyoa
ERBzine 0459: ERB the Prophethttps://www.erbzine.com/mag4/0459.html
at the ship's stern. Astral Projection: John Cartereventually masters the ability to project himself between Mars and Earthat will. GMFW Controlling Destination Compass is a direc
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