
Star Wars vs Star Trek Essays: The Philosophy of Star Trek


How about an "astral projection","energy being", or "neural energy pattern"? Arewe starting to get the picture? Does it sound a bit more like Trek?Ah

What's The Harm?


& Paranormal Astral projection Curses Exorcisms Faith healing Ghosts Magick Psychics Vampires Voodoo Witchcraft Religion Breatharianism Christian Science Cults Jehovah's Witne
This is a list of topics in which we have found stories where a lack of critical thinking has caused unnecessary harm, death, injury, hospitalizations, major financial loss or othe

.:. Supraterrestrial Intelligence (STI) .:. ASTRAL TRAVELER .:.


include remote viewing, astral projection, telepathic scanning, and so forth.... If you are an evolved being from a stellar dimension who has the ability/capability to travel betw
Spiritual Consciousness for this level and beyond - Astral Traveler is Danyel Seagan's Vision of the Possible Human in a Multidimensional Universe.

Trait index | vndb


more traits Engages in Astral Projection (59) Betrayal (1203) Blessing (69) Body Swap (175) Bondage (370) 97 more traits Subject of Accident (916) Apotheosis (22) Arranged Marriag

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of you who go in for astral projection and associated shenanigans will know that what you appear as in astral is not your physical self but your self-image. This is why people who
Master menu for multi-part site, including the true and tragic story of Eric 'Wee Burney' Cullen; care of pet rats and of ship rats (Rattus rattus species); fanfiction; family hi

.:. Welcome .:. LIQUID MIND .:. The Official Web site of Danyel Seagan .:.


and passions include astral projection (including interdimensional travel, remote viewing, remote influencing, and partial teleportation), paleo-SETI research, UFOs, international
The Official Web site of Danyel Seagan, author of Liquid Mind: A Dive into the Ocean of Consciousness - a book about the transformational power of Universal Consciousness.

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show you here that such projection is possible with the help of life force (Od) and structural links, even if such structural links are of a purely abstract nature in the form of
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David Bowie and Occultism — Golden Dawn — Aleister Crowley


eloquent, fragmentary projection of society. The Gesamtkunstwerk 'David Bowie' crystallizes the splintered reality into cultural artifacts, which in turn coagulate into new realit
David Bowie and the Occult, Golden Dawn, Cabbala, from Kether to Malkuth, Aleister Crowley

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of your conscious projection. It collects within itself the three elements of the will, mental, and astral-emotional spheres. Once you have charge Thor's Hammer, you have aligned

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distance and that this projection follows structural links. This is a fact that was evident to people of all ages and cultures who harnessed life force, such as shamans, conjurers

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