Charles Petzold: Can an AI Compose Music?
into the sensation of harmony? Does an AI interpret tempo in relation to its heartbeat? How does an AI experience consonance and dissonance? Has an AI ever heard high-pitched over
Charles Petzold is the author of the books Code and The Annotated Turing
JAMMIN REGGAE ARCHIVES - Gateway to reggae on the Internet
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Reggae Music News and Information
was not at all in harmony with the real thing. I thought he had short, white hair and an extremely dark complexion. His hair was longer, and not as white as I had imagined. His co
The Hedonistic Imperative : Objections (Chapter 4)
in harmony. At least as a stopgap, exploiting pleasure gradients is a much more civilised way to live. It's far more humane than responding to the contours of their nasty, and som
Objections to the abolitionist project
A Suggested Order for the Administration of the Lord?s Supper or Holy Communion (1935)
canbest be secured in harmony with the essentials of the Christian liturgicaltradition. Their detailed aims in this revision are: (1) to eliminate phrases which are to-day easilym
Opus's Links
Robotech website from Harmony Gold. There's a lot there... info about all theepisodes and characters, a Robotech store, forums, and all the latest official news. Robotech Referenc
Fred's page o' other stuff
self-soilers,the harmony-hushers,"even if you are not ready for dayit cannot always be night."You will be right.For that is the hard home-run.Live not for battles won.Live not for
The Upward and Downward Paths of the Spirit
have come together in harmony, as in a machine or a molecule. By example, when two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom are combined, water is created, which brings into existence ne
Psychology's one-sided focus on the integration of the unconscious must be counterbalanced by a traditional notion of spiritual ascent.
"In God We Trust" -- KEVIN CRAIG - "Liberty Under God" Beginning in Missouri's 7th Congressional Districthttps://KevinCraig.US/EndTheWall/trust.htm
unity, and harmony are necessary to the salvation of ourselves and posterity from bondage. We have an animating confidence in the Supreme Disposer of events, that he will never su
Kevin Craig is a Christian Anarchist campaigning for *Liberty Under God* in the race for U.S. Congress in Missouri's 7th District.
to sing In perfect harmony. I'd like to buy the world a Coke And keep it company. The change to the world's best selling soft drink was heard by 81 percent of the United States po
Bubbles, Orbs and Probes
and was triggered by a harmony with nature and a sense of health and well-being. This reminded me of the state of mind that is experienced in dolphin contacts. Perhaps this harmon
I felt in complete harmony with it and (I can only say) in love! It remained hovering there. I was mesmerized and wouldn't take my eyes off of it, drinking in the beauty of this s
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