Theiling Online: Conlang Relay 14: Participants
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neatly typedup is ASCII fornat, all the lurid graphic fantasy one could ever use. ...the archives currentlyhold about 600 pages, i post all the new stuff, page by page, up
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of the design with some ASCII diagrams,currently found here: Each soft CPU core is 16-w
Theiling Online: Conlang Relay 13: Ring A: 7/18: Carrajena
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MIME, uuencode, etc.
for representing non-ASCII charactersor arbitrary binary data in messages such as e-mail or newsgrouppostings. Quoted-Printable Occasionally, you'll see messages that contain phra
Sobran's Washington Watch --- Archive
receive an ASCII text copy of the column, not a URL. Neither TheWanderer nor S OBRAN ’ S willhave any record of any e-mail address used by this form. In addition to listing c
SOBRAN'S is the monthly newsletter written by Joe Sobran. Sobran, a syndicated columnist for more than 20 years, is also an author and lecturer. Often compared to G.K. Chesterton
Theiling Online: Scripts
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Learn online: Kangxi, Hiragana, Katakana, Korean, Bopomofo, Armenian, Georgian, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Conlang scripts.
XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText MarkupLanguage
script is Latinate, the ASCII spacecharacter is typically used to encode both grammatical word boundaries andtypographic whitespace; in languages whose script is related to Nagari
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Theiling Online: Parallel Port: Termination
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Literate Programming
of thesource is simple ASCII text. WEB adds functions which are specific to computer programs,such as boldface reserved words, italicized identifiers, substitution of truemathemat
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