What's a Terminal?https://kermitproject.org/terminals.html
for non-ASCII characters (accented Roman letters, Cyrillic,Hebrew, etc, as well as math/technical and line- and box-drawing characters). A terminal emulator is a software program
Nethack 12x12 and 16x16 Tile Fonthttps://www.pvv.org/~roarl/nethack/nethack.html
almost full set of the ASCII printablecharacters, except for some letters that are seldom or never used byNethack other than in "graphical" context. So, to be able todistinguish b
out the corresponding ASCII code for the key, if the key is an ordinary character key (letter, digit, punctuation mark, etc.). It then places the scan code and the ASCII code in a
Theiling Online: Debian Linux on Lenovo/IBM Thinkpad R60ehttp://www.theiling.de/r60e-etch.html
‘cat’ with ASCII bar .dot to .gdl EditForm Emacs: HT-MIME Erwin Data Structures Reference Manual Home Theater PC Linux: Atmel AVR Logfile Download Lookup Tables Messag
Microsoft Software Libraryhttp://www.gaby.de/ftp/pub/win3x/archive/
Sockets API Spec (ASCII .TXT WINSOCKW.EXE Windows Sockets API Spec (W4W .DOC) WIZCAT.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File WKS3WN.EXE Supplemental Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows Ve
Welcome to HACKmeetin 1998https://hackmeeting.org/hackit98/
|___|\__| /_/ \___/ Ascii Graphic ! Se usi Lynxentra da qui
Hackman's Realmhttps://lateblt.tripod.com/
made with a pure ASCII text editor. This site is 100% Lynx compatible! All images have ALTs! And there's noJava or JavaScript, not even in the Java or JavaScript sections!! In fac
Theiling Online: Scriptshttp://www.theiling.de/schrift/#georgian
‘cat’ with ASCII bar .dot to .gdl EditForm Emacs: HT-MIME Erwin Data Structures Reference Manual Home Theater PC Linux: Atmel AVR Logfile Download Lookup Tables Messag
Learn online: Kangxi, Hiragana, Katakana, Korean, Bopomofo, Armenian, Georgian, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Conlang scripts.
RFC 5234: Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNFhttps://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5234.html
character set (such as ASCII) will be specified. Terminals are specified by one or more numeric characters, with the base interpretation of those characters indicated explicitly.
Who is Big Dave?https://www.ztac.net/whoisbig.htm
to convert the parallel ASCII bytes from the computer to serial Baudot codes for the teletype. Cheap dot-matrix printers didn't exist at the time. At the left is a picture of part
Jefferson Computer Museum - Ancient Alphabetic Arthttp://www.threedee.com/jcm/aaa/
of converting the ASCII to Illustrator format, then loading it into PhotoShop for rasterization at high resolution, then resized and contrast-corrected. I know this seems somewhat
Cracking OpenVMS passwords with John the Ripperhttp://gailly.net/security/john-VMS-readme.html
available in John 1.6 . ascii version of this file VMS patch file ( signature ) md5sum: c5c1cd14188f659cbfc0fc7a29d4487b Complete patched sources ( signature ) md5sum: 2120d72b82b
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