provided a pureASCII port of the manual which is also included. The package contains a version of KIMath which is in a format readable by the assembler available elsewhere on this
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values outside of the ASCII range, and doesn't map into UTF-8 space, all of which reduce the likelihood of its appearance at the top of a text file. ¶ Frame Header The fr
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a large graphic made of ASCII characters, plus lots of cutequotes and slogans. People will never tire of reading these pearls of wisdomagain and again, and you will soon become pe
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outside the US-ASCII [ISO/IEC 646] [MIME-charset] repertoireare being used in more and more places. Data transfers between different protocol/format elements (such as element/attr
transferred MUST be in ASCII format, with no parity, and with lines ending in CRLF (ASCII 13 followed by ASCII 10). This excludes other character formats such as EBCDIC, etc. This
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text message in an ASCII file. unrated [added 1998-05-09, updated 1999-01-17] From the docs: ...snow is used to conceal messages in ASCII text by appending whitespace to the end o
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numbers were stored in ASCII human readable form. this had the disadvantage that real long numbers create line widths that are too long for many programs. i.e. some mailers trunca
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Criteria 4.1.1 UseSTD3ASCIIRules 4.1.2 Right-to-LeftScripts 4.2 ToASCII 4.3 ToUnicode 4.4 Preprocessingfor IDNA2008 4.5 ImplementationNotes Table 2. Examples of Processing 5 IDNA
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projectname Ascii Character to Integer # In the previous code segment, we wrote out the logic for transforming a number into an ASCII string representing the number for an arbitra
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