Amsterdam Subversive Center for Information Interchange (ASCII): RIP 1999 - 2006
Interchange (ASCII) RIP 1999 - 2006 ASCII was one of the early hacklabs starting 1999 as an free internet workplace on the Herengracht 243a in Amsterdam. After moving through the
JavE - Java Ascii Versatile Editor
FIGlet fonts Asciimations Animations JavE Player Interactive Wiki Markus' Blog Contact Reviews Misc Credits Logos / Icons Links J ava A scii V ersatile
JavE - Java Ascii Versatile Editor
HTML Codes - Table of ascii characters and symbols
ASCII Codes HTML Codes Conversion Control Characters URL Encoding URL Decoding
HTML Codes - Table for easy reference of ascii characters and symbols in HTML format. With indication of browser support
ASCII Arts Web Ring
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ASCII Arts Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Welcome to the ASCII Arts Web Ring What is ASCII Arts Web Ring? About the ASCII Arts W
A collection of sites and projects that feature images produced using textual characters.
ASCII DRAWINGS 2006 / Petra Cortright
<nettime> ASCII in trouble: 900% rent increase
Index ] <nettime> ASCII in trouble: 900% rent increase To : Subject : <nettime> ASCII in trouble: 900% rent increase From : Jaap < jaap@squa
Automated operation
(USTTY, ITA2, M20TTS, ASCII) for loop device --wordsize - Set UART word size --stopbits - Set UART stop bits --batchmode - If set to 1, exit when all commands complete. --remotemo | The NetBSD package collection
WordNet-based thesaurus asciidir Recursively remove non ASCII characters in file names asciidoc ASCII to formatted document converter aspell Spell checker with good multi-language
Computer Programming Languages
Qual è il codice ASCII per 0-9? Come mai quando scrivo una lingua straniera diventa quadrata? Perché usi il simbolo dell'asterisco invece della moltiplicazione nel linguaggio info
LCDF Type Software
Buller. Manuals t1ascii , t1binary , t1disasm , t1asm , t1unmac , t1mac Six free UNIX/Windows command-line tools for dealing with Type 1 fonts.This is a revision of I. Lee Hetheri
Kit Cloudkicker Fanfics
storyflame me for it.) ASCII or Microsoft Word is fine; ( No HTML pleasebecause my editor does mess them up big time.) Size is now limited to200K per story; not per chapter; I'm h
Theiling Online: Parallel Port: Introduction
a automatic line feed (ASCII 10 / 0x0a) when a carriage return (ASCII 13 / 0x0d) is found in text mode. Select 13 P to H Positive Used by the peripheral to indicate that it is on-
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