
The Nascom Home Page


does not use standard ASCII CR and BS. It is possible to edit them and to globally substitute the non-standard codes, however ZEAP 1.1 is not compatible with Nas-Sys. ZEAP 2.0 RAM

MIPS Assembly programming for the Playstation 1 (PSX)


Dec/Bin/Hex/Oct/Ascii Table Alt Tech Archive.org Bitchute Odysee Rumble DailyMotion Please note: I wlll upload more content to these alt platforms based on the views they bring in

displays | 6502 primer


feed the LCD module ASCII data, cursor position (which advances automatically so you don't have to tell it for every letter), cursor on/off, and a clear-display command.  You

RigPix Database - Text & imaging gear


AMT-1 45-300 bd RTTY / ASCII / AMTOR 198x AEA CP-1 Computer Patch 45-300 bd RTTY / CW / AMTOR 198x AEA CP-100 Computer Patch ?-? bd RTTY / CW 19xx AEA DSP-232 ?-9600 bd Many 1996

Intel Instruction Set


Instruction Set: AAA - Ascii Adjust for Addition AAD - Ascii Adjust for Division AAM - Ascii Adjust for Multiplication AAS - Ascii Adjust for Subtraction ADC - Add With Carry ADD

Yori: Guide to Yori


CMD.EXE typically uses ASCII 8-bit characters. Yori outputs in UTF-8, which provides compatibility for the first 127 characters while allowing for far more characters to be expres

Civil Disobedience as Prayer, by Jim Douglass, Red Letter Christians


| Search | tree ( PDF | ASCII text formats) This is a representation taken from the original article at http://www.redletterchristians.org/civil-disobedience-as-prayer/ Civil Diso
In a nation which has legalized preparation for the destruction of all life on earth, going to jail for peace - through nonviolent civil disobedience - can be seen as prayer



preserving the full US-ASCII range, providing compatibility with file systems, parsers and other software that rely on US-ASCII values but are transparent to other values. This me

Daki Language Specification


You can also specify ASCII characters in hexadecimal in " \xFF " notation and Unicode in " \uFFFF " notation. For Unicode code unit escaping, you can use " \u{FFFFF} " with an arb

Early Kings of Norway, by Thomas Carlyle


set encoding: ASCII*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK EARLY KINGS OF NORWAY ***Produced by Ron Burkey, and David Widger EARLY KINGS OF NORWAY. by Thomas Carlyle Transcriber

Code of Conduct


it into chat. ASCII art is fine in bios and Places (in fact, we think it's awesome - use the `_ tag for a fixed-width font that makes layout easier) but consider putting ASCII art

A FreeBSD 11 Desktop How-to » Cooltrainer.org


, instead of just US ASCII as isdefault with LANG=C . Check locale -a | grep UTF-8 for a list of every available UTF-8 locale onyour computer. As an American anglophone, I use en_
A guide to a full-featured modern desktop FreeBSD installation

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