
yak.net/fqa: Frequenty Questioned Answers


gpassman files to ascii?   [ jake / 2006-05-20 ] 429.   why does my 802.11g network seem to die around Uniden 2.4ghz phones?   [ jake / 2006-05-19 ] 428.   What is

The Xerox Star


Instead ofusing ASCII text, they are implemented using an early version of Unicode.Fonts for many different languages are included. << Previous Page | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Next P

Theiling am Draht: Bordeaux


„cat“ mit ASCII-Balken .dot nach .gdl EditForm Emacs: HT-MIME Erwin Datenstrukturen Handbuch Linux: Atmel AVR Logdatei-Download Lookup Tables Message-Bibliothek Handbu

NetHack 3.3.0: A Guide to the Mazes of Menace


use standard ASCII characters to representeverything. There is no difference between the various display optionswith respect to game play. Because we cannot reproduce the tiles or

Cool, but obscure X11 tools


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Cool, but obscure X11 tools.

Multiplatform 65816 Assembly Development tools


Dec/Bin/Hex/Oct/Ascii Table Alt Tech Archive.org Bitchute Odysee Rumble DailyMotion Please note: I wlll upload more content to these alt platforms based on the views they bring in

Theiling Online: struct err_location_t / err_location_t


‘cat’ with ASCII bar .dot to .gdl EditForm Emacs: HT-MIME Erwin Data Structures Reference Manual Home Theater PC LaTeX: Euro Symbol Linux: Atmel AVR Logfile Download L

PHP Sadness


escape code for ESC (ascii 27), normally \e #29 Can't decode php-session-format serialization outside a session #49 (<5.5) No support for finally -type error handling Object-Or

Springfrog Online Games, Converters, Calculator and more


and pictures with our ASCII Art Generator Amaze and amuse your friends by sending them upsidedown emails and messages with our Upside Down Text Converter Find out how chilly it re
Have fun with Springfrog's online games and try our useful and enjoyable converters and calculators.

9 Reasons Python Sucks - Geoffrey Thomas (geofft)


of a Python string. For ASCII strings, this works fine in C, so I prefer writing in C. Python claims to support Unicode but can't even get this right. If I compile a Python module
This is a list of reasons why I think Python is a terrible programming language. Naturally, none of them apply to other programming languages. It's impossible to determine at comp

HTML 4.01 Specification


attribute values Non-ASCII charactersin URI attribute values Ampersands in URIattribute values SGML implementationnotes Line breaks Specifying non-HTMLdata Elementcontent Attribut

80186 programming for the Wonderswan and Wonderswan Color


Dec/Bin/Hex/Oct/Ascii Table Alt Tech Archive.org Bitchute Odysee Rumble DailyMotion Please note: I wlll upload more content to these alt platforms based on the views they bring in

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