
Best practices for inclusive CLIs - Seirdy


a good option. Avoid ASCII-art, and use presentational text sparingly. Include a way to configure output to be friendly to screen-readers and log files alike (if it isn’t already)
A response to some problematic CLI UX advice, with alternative recommendations for designing more accessible CLI utilities.

Final: OpenID Connect Core 1.0 incorporating errata set 2


It MUST NOT exceed 255 ASCII [RFC20] ( Cerf, V., “ASCII format for Network Interchange,” October 1969. ) characters in length. The sub value is a case-sensitive s
OpenID Connect Core 1.0 incorporating errata set 2

Fonts and TeX - TeX Users Group


fonts and an ASCII (XML) representation. FontForge is the major free software font editor. Font families Computer Modern : Getting to specifics, the first and stillmost prevalent



fuer Berlin in ASCII-Darstellung... ...ist hier ! / o _ _ /__ __ / \_/ / ) /___) / / / ________(___/__(___ ___/___(___(__ / (_ /
weather Wetter Wetterkarten Wettervorhersage



would print straight ASCII text, but it's being fussy with me right now (quits printing after ~20 characters, number varies). Odd. But anyway, I'm hoping I can have a semi-useful

Da Mätz se Basa: A Lost Germanic Language (S9): Texts


‘cat’ with ASCII bar .dot to .gdl EditForm Emacs: HT-MIME Erwin Data Structures Reference Manual Home Theater PC Linux: Atmel AVR Logfile Download Lookup Tables Messag

TT2020 | More Information


TT2020StyleF-Regular-ASCII.ttf 9.0M TT2020StyleF-Regular-ASCII.woff2 3.4M Style G Regular TT2020StyleG-Regular.ttf 96M TT2020StyleG-Regular.woff2 19M TT2020StyleG-Regular-ASCII.tt

Super Check Partial Database Files


all calls in an ASCII format. 50,267 354 Kb masterdx.scp File with DX calls (outside W/VE) For use with Win-Test and N1MM+. Calls are in ASCII format. 32,723 236 Kb masusve.scp Fi

Marc Perkel's Web Site


Long File Names to Ascii Text File NovSync - Y2K Synchronizes Workstation Clocks with Netware Server Why Novell is Nowhere Today Yep! It runs with Netware 4 - Yep, Uh Huh - Sure D
The World of Marc Perkel Politics,Sex, Pro Se Legal Issues, Software, Technology, People before Lawyers,Divorce, Nerd Liberation Movement, Thinking Magazine, Bartcop, Church ofReal

pkgsrc.se | The NetBSD package collection


previewing DVI files (ASCII Japanese TeX) jcode-perl Perl library for Japanese character code conversion kcc Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection latex2rtf LaTeX to R

Hacking CulT - News


hack   Sonic 2: ASCII Emperor     Affiliates Charsi food     Staff Admins drx Gunner112k News posting Hivebrain Overlord Research drx Sonic Hachelle-Bee S

This is an Actual Website.


to the 127-character ASCII character set and specified that encoding instead of UTF-8 . But I’m used to Unicode text and being able to use typographic quotes. [3] As far as self-i
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