
General Bible Format Tagging Specification


(GBF) files are plain ASCII text files, withlines limited to nomore than 254 characters. Lines are ended with the DOS standard CR-LFpair of characters.GBF files consist of a serie
Official definition of the General Bible Format text tagging specification for use in preparing translations of the Holy Bible for Bible study and translation software.

LaTeX: Introduction


Details: Creating the ASCII (i.e., text) file containing the document. Thisfile has customarily the extension .tex , and can be written withany text-editor. "Compiling"

Startseite - Willkommen! - freaked's retrospace


mit Commodore Amiga, ASCII, CP437 und ISO 8859-1 korrekt darstellbar). Dadurch wird sie selbst in Textmodus-Browsern wie DOSlynx, AMosaic auf dem Amiga 500 oder etwa

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-output.txt",format=>"ascii"});' and we have a nice text-formatted card catalog entry.Tweaking the last bit to say {file=>">marc-output.html",format=>"html"} gives prim

Lisp: Common Lisp, Racket, Clojure, Emacs Lisp - Hyperpolyglot


x \ca \cl and \cg match ASCII, Latin, and Greek characters. Character classes of the form \sx depend on the current syntax table. anchors ^ $ \b \B regexp: ^ $ pregexp: ^ $ \b \B

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Controllers ASCII Stick Super L5 Capcom Fighter Power Stick Nordic Quest Super Advantage Joystick Super Nintendo Controller © Evan G. This site is made by a Canadian, and fue
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GEM - Notes


Supports Xmodem / Ascii - online help screens.  Unfortunately this app does not appear to run properly on EGA/VGA - only on CGA & Hercules. (It was targeted primarily for

Self-Printing Machine Code - Susam Pal


dollar symbol has an ASCII code of 0x24 (decimal 36). We need to be careful about not having this value anywhere within the the data bytes or this DOS function would prematurely s

The Official Dopefish Home Page


ANSI of Dopefish, and 6ASCII representatons of Dopefish (one is at the bottom of this page), click here . (In Feb of 1999, we were sent some more ASCII dopefi by SanderRomeij

Stack Machine Computer Project


keyboard is used to put ASCII characterson the bus. The computer polls the keyboard looking for a key press.The keyboard output provides 8 bits in parallel. (The topbit 

Index of /unifont


just like you did with ASCII and ISO-8859-1 works for manylanguages, including most European languages, Ethiopic, Chinese,Japanese and Korean (CJK). You will get to see the text i

ACME Laboratories


face of the Earth , in ASCII. The current phase of the Moon , in ASCII. The ACME JavaScript utilities . The ACME Java pages . The current phase of the Moon , in Java. A Java print

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