Theiling Online: Scripts
‘cat’ with ASCII bar .dot to .gdl EditForm Emacs: HT-MIME Erwin Data Structures Reference Manual Home Theater PC Linux: Atmel AVR Logfile Download Lookup Tables Messag
Learn online: Kangxi, Hiragana, Katakana, Korean, Bopomofo, Armenian, Georgian, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Conlang scripts.
MirBSD: jupp — Programmer’s Editor
help system contains an ascii(7) table / 8-bit character map Search for non-ASCII characters in jupp: ^Q f \ [ ^ tab \ n space - ~ ] return return Jump to first occurrence of word
About F&C! -- FOSS and Crafts
sketching, and making ASCII art. Site contents released under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 International . Powered by Haunt .
Theiling Online: Red Cabbage
‘cat’ with ASCII bar .dot to .gdl EditForm Emacs: HT-MIME Erwin Data Structures Reference Manual Home Theater PC Linux: Atmel AVR Logfile Download Lookup Tables Messag
The Infinity Machine
nature of the data ("ASCII text" for example), theMachine can try all possible decryption keys and see which potentialplaintexts fall within the description of the real plaintext.
your message as plain ASCII. Do not use HTML or send your votes as an attached non-ASCII file like a Microsoft Word document. Remember, you must vote before 11:59 P.M. EST on Nove
LRS Wiki: political_correctness
of politically correct ASCII art. Note the absence of any content that might offend someone. Still the art is imperfect because it has a white background which might be seen as ra
Re: encoding of URI references in RDF/XML from Peter F. Patel-Schneider on 2003-11-07 ( from October to December 2003)<
that contain nonUS-ASCII characters not escape these characters. See Section 6 of for a similar indication. (Thistext may have been incorp
Aminet - dev/asm/ASM-One.lha
A Monitor (Hexadecimal/ASCII/Binary/Disassembly)The assembler and the disassembler are fast (the source of ASM-One - 1.5 Mb -is assembled in 11 seconds on a default A4000/040), su
Windows 3.1 | 3.11 | WFWG | Resources | Downloads
Mail is a front end to ASCII-based email services RGDMED06 RENEGADE GRAPHICS DOOM EDIT This is the DOOM EDITOR from Renegade Graphics. This version allows you to move and change o
Extensive list of downloadable files, patches, and enhancements for Windows 3.1, 3.x, WFWG
TECO Manual V4
the ESCAPE character, ASCII code 27(decimal). Since the ESCAPEcharacter does not have a printable representation, historically it has alwaysbeen echoed in TECO as a dollar sign. T
RigPix Database - Text & imaging gear - HAL DS-3100 ASR
Upper and lower case ASCII. RTTY and CW ID. RADIO COMM'S SECTION Modes: RTTY ASCII CW GPS / APRS functions: No Mailbox: No Radio ports: 1 Data rate over radio: ?-? bd MISCELLANEOU
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