The Ascii Network
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Ascii table for IBM PC charset (CP437) - Ascii-Codes
Ascii table for IBM PC, Baltic, Cyrillic, French Canadian, Greek, Hebrew, Icelandic, Latin-1, Latin-2, Nordic, Portuguese and Turkish charsets! CP 437 CP 737 CP 775 CP 850 CP 852
Ascii table for IBM PC charset (CP437) containing all character symbols converted in PNGs
Braille ASCII Art
Braille ASCII Art By Lachlan | GitHub:LachlanArthur/Braille-ASCII-Art Image Dither Mode Floyd-Steinberg (simple) Stucki (edge contrast) Atkinson (high contrast) Threshold (no dith
ASCII Chart and Other Resources
and Games . ASCII Chart ASCII - The A merican S tandard C odefor I nformation I nterchange is a standard seven-bit codethat was proposed by ANSI in 1963, and finalized in 1968. Ot
ASCII Chart - Table of ASCII characters and equivalents. Also Q&A about ASCII, conversion from decimal to hex, and other references
ASCII Table Dec Char Dec Char Dec Char Dec Char 0 NUL (null) 32 SPACE 64 @ 96 ` 1 SOH (start of heading) 33 ! 65 A 97 a 2 STX (start of text) 34 " 66 B 98 b 3 ETX (end of text) 35
Ascii Art Dictionary (Andreas Freise)
my collection of Ascii Art pictures by various artists. The Gallery The gallery exhibits an almost complete show of my own (a:f) Ascii creations.
Playscii - an open source ASCII art and game creation program
Playscii is an open source ASCII art, animation, and game creation program. It runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Download the latest build from , or get the source code f
[Nettime-nl] ASCII 5 jaar: workshops en feest
Index ] [Nettime-nl] ASCII 5 jaar: workshops en feest To : Subject : [Nettime-nl] ASCII 5 jaar: workshops en feest From : Jaap < > Date
Text to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG)
Big Blocks BlurVision ASCII Bulbhead Cards Chiseled Crawford2 Crazy Dancing Font DiamFont Doh Doom Efti Wall Epic Fire Font-k Fire Font-s Flower Power Fun Face Fun Faces Ghost Gra
Home ASCII INFO ASCII INFO What is ASCII? The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) assigns values between 0 to 255 for upper and lower case letters, numbers,
Website containing ASCII INFO and much more. Enjoy our collection of ASCII ART, ASCII Tables and other interactive tools. The place for all things textual.
Adel Faure ‒ Games, music, tools, fonts, ASCII art
ASCII ART COLLECTION| |adl[|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __o `--(0)(0)-----------------(0)-' __o __o -- _7\\,L7 - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --_7\\,L7 -_7\\,L7 (*)/'(*) (*)/'(*) (*)/'(*) =
ASCII art games, fonts, artworks and livecoded lofi techno. Love for textmode, computer art and net art <3. GNU GPL, SIL open font, creative commons.
ASCII Character Set
Welcome to ASCII Set. Here you can find the standard ASCII table and the extended one. We have also a text banner generator, based on the FIGlet program, where you can convert sim
ASCII Set is a website with a standard ASCII table and an ASCII extended table. We have also an ASCII signature
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