
Behold 1.0


specifications allows - ASCII, ANSEL and Unicode -but additionally reads many other ones, such as Windows ANSI, that are actually illegal. GEDCOM support Behold supports GEDCOM an
Behold 1.0

InterGuru's E-Mail Address Conversions


Pegasus Database/Tab-Ascii/Compuserve/Spry/csv/Juno/Unixmail (.mailrc) MicrosoftExplorer/Outlook/Exchange/WAB/PAB cc:Mail LotusNotes ClarisEmailer and Mac AOL T-Online ForteAgent
Convert Mail Address lists between Netscape, Eudora, Juno, Unix Mail, csv,Pegasus, Pine, Databases, ccMail, Microsoft Internet Mail,Spry, Compuserve,ldif and Elm.



also get the originalASCII versions of the first 300 weeks of This Week's Finds if you want. But if you want these.... Information survives by people copying it. So, please downlo

Multiboot Specification version 0.6.96


it is a zero-terminatedASCII string, just like the kernel command line. The ‘ string ’ fieldmay be 0 if there is no string associated with the module. Typically thestr
Multiboot Specification version 0.6.96

Download page - Context Free Art


UTF-8 encoding: ASCII null character", can be reported for valid cfdg input if a shape name is the very last token in a cfdg file. Cfdg files that only have FILL shapes in them an

The Code of the Geeks v3.1 Generator


information by simple ASCII. Now everyone won't even consider your ideas unless you spiffthem up with bandwidth-consuming pictures and pointless information links. ( ) >W-- A p

A dive into the world of MS-DOS viruses


example just shows a ascii art ambulance scrolling across the screen, and then allows the program you ran to continue, at worst a mild inconvenience. Thanks to a bunch of archivis

COMPUTERCRAFT's Link To IBM's FTP Mirror Of The PCC BBS - System SpecificFiles


10770 05-11-90 Convert ASCII-MS Word DOC. C/O SFPCjrUG aspi4b.zip 5405 04-15-94 DOS ASPI Driver for IBM SCSI BIOS ...This is a DOS device driver which will supply an ASPI (Advance

Aspartame (Nutrasweet) Toxicity Information Center


- Updated 4/1/95 (ASCII/PlainText)  5 Simple Steps to Help Yourself & Others AvoidChronic Aspartame Poisoning Advanced Steps to Help Stop Chronic Poisoning Aspartame Dang
A web page related to aspartame



2000 are restricted to ASCII C0 control characters other than Carriage Return and NUL. The normal value is 1 (ASCII SOH). The two Kermit partners normally use the same SOP, but ma

A. Meile's BASIC-Knowhow-Ecke - Migration auf eine neue Version


QuickBASIC Programm im ASCII-Format speichern Zuerst muss die .BAS -Datei ins ASCII-Format gebracht werden.Dazu sind folgende Schritte mit GWBASIC.EXE nötig (UnterWindows gen
Andreas Meiles Heimseite, BASIC-Knowhow-Ecke: Migration bestehenderBASIC-Programme begonnen bei BASICA.COM bis Visual Basic 6

Internet Teletype


per line Most ASCII characters are translated into the closest equivalent BAUDOT equivalent. But it's best to format the data input using the BAUDOT character set. Try avoiding ch

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