The Quine Page (self-reproducing code)
a classic C quine for ASCII machines: char*f="char*f=%c%s%c;main() {printf(f,34,f,34,10);}%c"; main(){prin
Various examples of self-reproduction of programs
2023-W29: Alexandra’s Cafe
properly-captioned ASCII art, and every article ends with a link back to the homepage which asks you whether you’d like to order another drink. After a while, you really start to
DNA seen through the eyes of a coder (or, If you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail) - Bert Hubert's writings
which you can send an ASCII file with DNA characters, and they will synthesize the corresponding 'output' for you. We can also splice DNA into developing animals and plants. It is
Pest - Whitepaper
Datskovskiy (WOT: asciilifeform ) Version 0xFA V Tree (Previous Drafts) pest_spec.kv.vpatch ( sig ) pest_spec_FE.kv.vpatch ( sig ) pest_spec_FD.kv.vpatch ( sig ) pest_spec_FC.kv.v
The UCS-X Family of UCS Extensions (Draft Proposal)
compatible extension of ASCII. The following attributes have made UTF-8 especially popular for compatibility with applications, protocols, formats, etc., that were originally ASCI
Annotated Debugger Implementation Bibliography
in Native Code Random ASCII: Thread Naming in Windows: Time for Something Better Linux Linux Multithreading implementation Linux has a weird way of implementing threads. Basically
Techniques for "WAI Guidelines: Page Authoring"
A.1.6. Replace ASCII art with an image and alt-text. [Priority 1 or 2 depending on the importance of the information (e.g., an important chart)] Note. If the description of (impor
Hellschreiber Bibliography
supports CW, RTTY, ASCII, NAVTEX, WEFAX, Packet, SSTV, PSK31 Hellschreiber, ICAO Selcall, ALE, DTMF, EIA, and CIR. It has a waterfall spectrum display. ===========================
A to Z of C - Beta | Online book on C/DOS programming
Escape Codes 74. ASCII Table 75. Scan Code Part X Postlude 76. Test in C 76.1 ANSI C 76.2 Turbo C / DOS Programming 76.3 Windows 77. C Resources 77.1 Magazine 77.2 Books 77.3 Jobs
A to Z of C is the non-profit project to bring cheapest and best book for C
Aminet - Search
[2/2] - (readme) A2-GAscii.lha pix/misc 5305 7K 1999-04-01 Astrosyn`2 - ascii graphics compo entries - (readme) A2-GPixel_1.lha pix/misc 5018 1.3M 1999-04-01 Astrosyn`2 - pixel co
Theiling Online: Scutigera Coleoptrata
‘cat’ with ASCII bar .dot to .gdl EditForm Emacs: HT-MIME Erwin Data Structures Reference Manual Home Theater PC Linux: Atmel AVR Logfile Download Lookup Tables Messag
libsixel | The new standard of SIXEL development
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