CTAN: help/ctan/CTAN-upload-addendumhttps://www.ctan.org/file/help/ctan/CTAN-upload-addendum
no t contain any non-ascii characters, for portability reasons. Filenames must no t contain any characters that have a special meaning for UNIX shells (or other systems), such as
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and clear visuals. ASCII but *done right*. Good colour choices and the whole game feels responsive. Primarily keyboard control, with optional mouse support (feels a bit better to
MetaCPAN FAQ - metacpan.orghttps://metacpan.org/about/faq
data in it (full name, ascii name, e-mail, and homepage).Authors can edit those at Edit Account Info .This information is collected and distributed by PAUSE via the 00whois.xml fi
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viewer and Editor in Ascii and Hex VFILER.ARC: File manager for CP/M-86 86CLOCK.ZIP: Y2K programs for CP/M-86 SHOWCONF.CMD Show current Hardware/OS Configuration PWROFF01.ZIP: Pow
Index of /if-archive/infocom/interpreters/specification/zspec02http://ifarchive.org/if-archive/infocom/interpreters/specification/zspec02/
to standard ASCII text byStephen van Egmond# Zmachine_newsletter_1.txtInformal Zmachine Newsletter #1, 10dec95circulated by Graham Nelson# remarks_on_specification.txtNotes and re
UTS #39: Unicode Security Mechanismshttp://www.unicode.org/reports/tr39/#Restriction_Level_Detection
and follows HTML5 for ASCII.) Where C > U+007F, both of the following conditions are true: C has Identifier_Status=Allowed from General Security Profile If C is the first chara
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The UCS-X Family of UCS Extensions (Draft Proposal)http://ucsx.org/
compatible extension of ASCII. The following attributes have made UTF-8 especially popular for compatibility with applications, protocols, formats, etc., that were originally ASCI
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when contains non-ascii characters like greek letters. This can be used for phishing: googĺe.com vs google.com - Suggest replacing 'http' with 'https' - Suggest replacing Youtube,
Allows analyzing (or sharing) URLs before opening them.
was limited to 7bit US-ASCII text. Encoding schemes are often used to work around such transport limitations. It is therefore useful to note what sort of data a media type can con
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