


names originally in non-ASCII character sets may be encoded within the value of the "name" parameter using the standard method described in RFC 2047. As with all multipart MIME ty

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a ZIP archive with the Asciiversion (~40K) View the ascii version online Ignoring all the details, there are basically two things that will affectyou: From now on, you must upload



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the name contains non-ASCII characters.Maybe use archive_entry_pathname_utf8()? Surely that should returnUTF-8, since its name seems to indicate that it returns UTF-8. But offucki

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It can also be an ASCII character. Try entering the following: 72 EMIT 105 EMIT You should see the word "Hi" appear before the OK. The 72 is an ASCII 'H' and 105 is an 'i'. EMIT t

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or logos (also known as ASCII art) drawn using special characters. These characters looks very good in text mode, but they look strange in Windows programs (such as Notepad). DOS

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reducing HTML to 7 bit ASCII for transport, they are deprecated in this version of HTML. See, "Example and Listing: XMP, LISTING".3.2.2. Tags Tags delimit elements such as

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